Monday, September 29, 2008

Availability of Sources

There is most definitely a more wide variety of sources available to anyone all over. Whether it being internet cites, newspapers, magazines, or television. I believe that having many different sources to retrieve information from is a major advantage. Don't get me wrong, I know there's a lot of false information out there on these sources, but if you really look into them you can find a lot of reliable sources with a lot of good information. Plus, if you are researching a topic with many views on the subject, than it's kind of nice to get views from all perspectives. All sources have their own view on a subject matter. Depending on how you are looking to wrtite your paper and what perspective your looking to write about, you might find different sources with the same beliefs as you, where as other sources may look at it in a different perspective. I believe that having many available sources is key to writing the paper you want to write. Having opinions and views from multiple sources can help you in finding the path you are wanting to take in your writings. Just be sure when you choose a source, research it a little and make sure you have chosen a reliable source with good information. Reviewing multiple sources will really open up your writing allowing you to go in whatever direction you're looking to go.

Monday, September 22, 2008


When I was younger, I couldn't stand writing. I could never decide on what to write about, or how long it should be. Basically, I could never plan my writing out. However, as of lately, I have been more effective in my writings. I write about things I like to talk about, or something I can relate with. Before every paper I write, I always do an outline or some kind of web to organize my thoughts. Then my papers flow a lot more smooth and it becomes much easier to write. I use to just think writing was only necessary in school, however, I've noticed that writing is an excellent technique to use if you are stressed out, or just have something on your mind. Getting ideas or problems out of your head and on to paper take so much pressure off your mind. I've found other ways in which writing can be helpful in everyday life. Although writing a paper or essay may seem pretty dull, writing is very effective in life in many ways. I really feel like I've got a better handle on writing and I want to continue to find ways in which I can find it useful in my everyday life.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Justin Matthew Andres was the son of Michael and Patty Andres and the brother of Jordan and Genni Andres. Justin was a well liked kid in high school who was active in school functions such as student council and the varsity football team all four years he attended Floyd Central High School. After graduating from high school he went on to attend Indiana University Southeast where he later transfered to Purdue University and studied Architecture. He soon became a very succesful Architect and his works of art can be seen all over the United States and even some as far away as Europe and China. While working on his latest project in Europe, a gust of wind most of caught him off guard and he fell 25 stories into the street and was pronounced dead on the scene. Most people who knew Justin would describe him as a very thoughtful and trustworthy person and he will be greatly mised by all who knew him. His death was a very tagic one. His funeral service will be on Sunday June 19, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.