Monday, December 8, 2008

Profile Paper

I had to really think about my topic a lot to find an arument that I could use in my proposal, however I finally came to a solution. In my research paper, I gave a lot of good information about the life of a landscape architect. In my proposal, I plan to argue that landscape architects don't receive enough attention and respect for their job. Most people don't know how important the job of landscape architects is. In the years 2012 through 2020, landscape architects are going to be one of the top 5 jobs in demand. This is due to the industrialization taking place everywhere across the United States. These landscape architects are needed to do the clean up work and make everyhting blend in and look appealing to the citizens. I have a lot of good information on the importance and everyday work of landscape architects within my research paper that will come in handy. I also plan on talking through some of the qualifications and requirements needed for the career of landscape architecture.


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