Monday, October 20, 2008

Best Paying Jobs in America

I have decided to do my research paper on the best paying jobs in America. I chose this topic because nodody really knows what the best jobs are out in the working field. I figured it would be a good topic to choose to inform my audience what fields would be good to get into. There are a lot of high paying jobs available that no one even knows about. The purpose of my paper will be to find the top 5 paying jobs and to inform my audience what that job is and what is included in the job. I am going to do a survey around campus asking what jobs they believe are the best paying. I will then calculate the results and see what the students here at IUS belive are the best paying jobs. I hope that after you have read my research paper, you will have a better idea of what good paying jobs are out there and available for anyone who seeks a good job. I also hope to inform those who are seeking one of these high paying jobs, what level of education and degrees they must have to be eligible for the job.


At October 22, 2008 at 5:50 AM , Blogger Ms. Brown said...

This an interesting if rather narrow topic, but if you explore it from all sides, from explaining each of the top 5 in detail to contrasting your findings with what people assume to be the best paying jobs, I'm sure you can gather enough content to meet the page requirement. Don't forget to leave a little leeway for turning this into an "argument" later in the semester.


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