Monday, December 1, 2008

Improvement in my Writing

I really wasn't sure what to expect my first semester of English here at IUS. I was a little nervous because I heard from older friends that you were assigned to write a lot of essays and reports in college. I always thought it was going to be really hard and I would be very dissappointed with the result of my papers. However, I found that we are not assigned all these papers to stress us out or frustrate us, but instead they are assigned to help us improve our writing skills. After the first paper I wrote, I wasn't really enthused with the grade I received. Although I didn't get the desired grade I wanted, I did receive a lot of good tips and criticism to make my writing skills more effective. With each paper we were assigned throughout the semester, I continued to listen to the tips and helpful hints given to me by my teacher. I continued to improve my writing skills and it resulted in a better grade on my papers. Not only was I receiving better grades, but I also learned how to use criticism and comments from the teacher to improve my work in writing. I really improved my writing skills this semester in English 131, and hope to continue to use criticism constructively to improve my writings in years to come.


At December 3, 2008 at 10:43 AM , Blogger Ms. Brown said...

Nice! I wonder what specific areas you could discuss here to make this entry more vivid...


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